April 14, 2022Behind the Science, Blog The advantages of using primary cells in respiratory research Respiratory research benefits from primary cell research as this biological niche has a complex array of cells influencing and acting upon each other. 3D cell culture using primary cells from a disease specific donor allows understanding of in vivo processes in disease specific states, and comparison to healthy donor cells. Learn more about the use of primary cells in respiratory research in our article…. Full Article
December 17, 2020Behind the Science, Blog Could HLA-type be the answer to individual differences in COVID-19 severity? The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the world. While vaccines are now being approved, a true understanding of the biological processes underlying COVID-19 and why some individuals develop severe disease while others are asymptomatic is necessary. HLA-type could be a key differentiator in disease outcomes, and in developing treatments…. Full Article
September 18, 2018Behind the Science, Blog A young scientist seeks a method to knock out fibrosis Lab work is exciting, says Bastian Fischer. Even experiments that just yield their expected results inspire the young German scientist. Fischer is currently working on his PhD, and is investigating how fibrosis develops, so that effective therapies for this medical condition can be found. A scar is often all that remains of a deep cut – if anything remains at all…. Full Article
August 13, 2018Behind the Science, Blog Stem cell therapy scientist: Finding inspiration outside his comfort zone Crossing the border between medical and biomechanical research fuels the research of stem cell specialist Dr. Diego Correa. We talked to the Colombian-born stem cell scientist, a former clinician with training in mechanical engineering, about his studies with mesenchymal stem cells and their potential clinical applications in cell-based therapy. Soon Correa is going to publish what he believes will be his most important contribution to this field…. Full Article
December 15, 2017Behind the Science, Blog PromoCells in Space – Ready For Lift-Off Three, Two, One, Zero: Two research groups working in space life sciences are investigating the behavior of cells from PromoCell in microgravity on the International Space Station. The launch of a Falcon 9 rocket coupled to a Dragon spacecraft is planned for December 15th in Florida, USA. Gravity is everywhere on earth,… Full Article
June 2, 2017Behind the Science, Blog How Oxygen Affects Primary Cell Culture Oxygen has two faces: While it’s a life-saving gas essential for humans and animals, excessive generation of reactive oxygen species damages cells and promotes senescence. This duality is the research focus of Professor Giovanni E. Mann of King’s College London. Prof. Mann and his colleagues are currently investigating redox signaling in vascular cells in culture…. Full Article