
Download our free scientific posters for in-depth information on cell types, culturing techniques and troubleshooting.

  • Cancer Research 4 Posters

    Primary cancer cell culture from human tumor samples

    Primary Cancer Culture System Isolate tumor cells from patient samples and transform them into long-term cell cultures. Learn more about the Primary Cancer Culture System and how it compares to other established culture methods. (DIN A1: 594 x 841 mm; PDF)

    3D tumorsphere cell culture model

    3D Turmosphere Culture Model Preview  Three-dimensional cultivation offers the opportunity to better understand the interaction of cancer stem cells and their environment. Learn more about the model and its applications. (DIN A1: 841 x 594 mm; PDF)

    Tumorsphere cell culture – method and its efficiency

    Tumorsphere Cell Culture – Method and its Efficiency Read about the tumorsphere culture and the tumorsphere formation efficiency, including protocols. (DIN A1: 594 x 841 mm; PDF)

    Growing cancer organoids – infographic

    Cancer organoids infographic Our infographic shows similarities and differences between cancer organoids and tumorspheres to help you find the right model for your research. It also shows how to build a robust and high-throughput cancer organoid assay.
  • Drug Discovery 1 Poster

    Human primary cells in drug development

    Human Primary Cells in Drug Development Thumbnail Facilitate the path to an approved new medicine: It takes roughly 14 years to take a substance from preclinical stage to the bedside. To generate all of the knowledge needed to register a new compound, you need many experiments and different assays. Find out how primary cells might help you with this. (DINA1: 594 x 841 mm; PDF)
  • GMP-grade Cell Culture 1 Poster

    GMP-grade products – infographic

    Laptop screen showing the GMP-grade products poster Learn more about the impact of GMP-grade products and their impact on cell therapy manufacturing.
  • Immunological Research 2 Posters

    Macrophage polarization – plasticity in health and disease

    Macrophage Polarization Poster Learn more about generating the whole macrophage spectrum in vitro and their role in health and disease. (DIN A1: 594 x 841 mm; PDF)

    The human leukocyte antigen (HLA) complex – relevance of HLA to cancer immunotherapy

    Scientific poster: Human Leukocyte Antigen Complex Here is everything you need to know about immunology and the human leukocyte antigen (HLA) in a condensed poster format. Find out more about the genetic structure of the HLA complex, the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) classes, T cell activation and applications in cancer immunotherapy.
  • Stem Cell Research 1 Poster

    Characterization of mesenchymal stem cells – why culture conditions and cell identity matter

    Characterization of Mesenchymal Stem Cells – Why Culture Conditions and Cell Identity Matter Different methods of MSC isolation and expansion make it difficult to compare study outcomes. Learn more about how uniform characterization of MSCs can be applied for improving culture performance and research progress. (DIN A1: 841 x 594 mm; PDF)
  • Troubleshooting 4 Posters

    Troubleshooting guide for cell culture

    Are your cells growing slowly, or even dying? Check our Troubleshooting Guide to identify possible causes and to find out how to prevent and solve proliferation problems, contamination, etc. (DIN A1: 594 x 841 mm; PDF)

    Best practices for primary cell culture

    Laptop screen showing the best practices for cell culture poster Download our poster to learn some best practices when handling primary cell culture and ensure a successful experiment.

    Basic sterile working techniques

    Laptop screen showing the cell culture sterile techniques poster

    Learn how to increase the quality of your cell culture experiments. Downbload our poster.


    Primary cell culture guide – thawing, freezing and subcultivation

    Cover_Poster_Troubleshooting_Thawing_Freezing_Subcultivation With routine sometimes comes carelessness: read our guide with critical steps and detailed protocols for thawing, freezing and subcultivation. (DIN A3: 297 x 420 mm; PDF)

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