3D tumorsphere cell culture model
Explore how 3D cultivation enhances understanding interactions of cancer stem cells and their environment. Discover its versatile applications.
Perform studies on tumor formation, metastasis or drug screenings with cancer cell lines and human primary tumor cells under more physiologically relevant conditions.
Learn more about the 3D tumorsphere culture model:
- Enrichment of cancer stem cells (CSCs)
- Tumorsphere formation efficiency assay
- Mammosphere culture of human breast-cancer cells
- Primary cancer cell culture from human tumor samples
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Related resources

Isolation of patient-derived primary cancer cells
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Cancer cell culture: Diversity of cells in the tumor microenvironment (TME)
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Cancer cell culture
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Growing cancer organoids
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Tumorsphere cell culture: Method and efficiency
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Tumorsphere culture of cancer stem cells
Find out how to cultivate cancer stem cells in tumorspheres using our defined and xeno-free 3D Tumorsphere Medium. This enables you to characterize such cells and study their malignancy.
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