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M1-Macrophage Generation Medium XF
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Serum-free and xeno-free medium for generation of M1 macrophages from fresh monocytes.

Unit 250 ml
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Our Macrophage Generation Media have been developed for the efficient generation of monocyte-derived macrophages (MDM) from freshly isolated peripheral blood monocytes or directly from PBMC as a starting material. The M1-Macrophage Generation Medium XF contains GM-CSF and allows for the generation of M1-polarized Macrophages. Our M1-Macrophage Generation Medium XF is a ready-to-use medium including cytokines for the directed differentiation of M1-like polarized MDM.

The Macrophage Media XF are serum-free and xeno-free formulations for use with freshly isolated cells. Due to the utilization of exclusively synthetic, recombinant or plant-sourced materials, human serum albumin, purified from human plasma, is the only non-recombinant protein contained in this medium.

Although all our are optimized for use with primary human cells, we have received feedback from customers that this particular medium can also be used for murine macrophages. View a list of references where this medium was used with other species and cell types.


  • Basal Medium M1 (250 ml)
  • SupplementMix M1 (for 250 ml)
  • CytokineMix M1: GM-CSF (for 250 ml)
Figure 1.In vitro macrophage generation with our macrophage media system. Overview of the wide spectrum of macrophage polarization and activation possibilities.

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