Items 1-12 of 27 Results
Automated monitoring of metabolic activity and differentiation of human mesenchymal stem cells
Detailed analysis of human stem cells offers the potential for the specific treatment of diseases by cell-based therapies. With an automated real-time analysis, we assess phenotypic changes during mesenchymal stem cell (MSC) differentiation. -
Generation of Human Airway Organoids from Primary Cells
This Application Note describes the generation of functional 3D airway organoids with apical-out or inward-oriented cilia formation based on Primary Human Bronchial Epithelial Cells (HBEpC) as an in vitro model for high-throughput drug screening or large-scale virus-host interaction studies. -
Standardized culture of assay-ready and fully functional human primary macrophages
Cryopreserved human macrophages are now available as a reliable source of standardized cells, and our ready-to-use format provides full experimental flexibility. With this easy-to-handle application, your macrophage research will be more efficient. -
Extended Mammosphere Culture of Human Breast Cancer Cells
PromoCell 3D Tumorsphere Medium XF allows robust 3D culture even when using breast-cancer cell lines. Mammospheres are now regarded as highly valuable in vitro models for studies on tumor formation and metastasis. -
Monocyte-derived macrophages: Customized in vitro large-scale differentiation from human PBMC
Primary human macrophages are difficult to isolate and do not proliferate in culture. We offer a complete system for easy and cost-efficient generation of pure monocyte-derived macrophages. -
Cell death and proliferation of pharmacologically relevant human primary cells with drug treatment
Cytotoxic effects of a drug can be a crucial factor that differentiates a blockbuster from a failure. We assessed cytotoxic sensitivity of various primary cells in our portfolio using a high throughput-suitable assay. -
Establishment of non-selective adherent primary cultures from dissociated samples of solid human tumors and xenografts
Do your primary cells from solid human tumors and xenografts need broad growth support? Then find out how to employ the serum-free, non-selective Cancer Cell Line Medium XF. -
The human leukocyte antigen (HLA) complex
Learn more about HLA - The human leukocyte antigen complex and its role in the immune system. -
Human primary cells and cytotoxicity testing for drug discovery
Discover drug discovery cytotoxicity models for respiratory, cancer, cardiovascular, and dermatological research. -
Thawing frozen cells – detailed protocol for human primary cells
Thawing cells correctly is absolutely necessary when it comes to successfully starting reliable cell cultures. Find out how to thaw frozen primary cells properly in our detailed video protocol. -
Cells in Action: Mitosis in Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells (MSCs)
Watch the process of cell division in PromoCell's human mesenchymal stem cells! These images were captured using Nanolive’s non-invasive technology, which allows us to access the dynamics of biological processes, such as mitosis, with unprecedented resolution. -
Cells in action: Differentiation of human mesenchymal stem cells into neurons
Cells in action: Differentiation of human mesenchymal stem cells into neurons In this video we can see the differentiation of PromoCell umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cells into neurons. Excitingly, to our knowledge this is one of the first high-resolution, long-term, live cell time-lapses showing this process. These cells were grown for 13 days in PromoCell complete mesenchymal stem cell neurogenic differentiation medium prior to capture of this film. Images were captured every 30 seconds over a 20-hour period using NanoLive’s 3D Cell Explorer.