Primary Human Aortic Endothelial Cells isolated from the human ascending and descending aorta.
$1,044.00Go To Product
Human Aortic Endothelial Cells (HAoEC), Cell Pellet in RNAlater
Cell pellet of HAoEC from the human aorta in RNAlater® for subsequent RNA, DNA or protein analysis.
$249.00Go To Product
Human Cardiac Microvascular Endothelial Cells (HCMEC)
Primary Human Cardiac Microvascular Endothelial Cells isolated from heart ventricles from single donors.
$995.00Go To Product
Human Cardiac Microvascular Endothelial Cells (HCMEC), Cell Pellet in RNAlater
Cell pellet of HCMEC from heart ventricles of single donors in RNAlater® for subsequent RNA, DNA or protein analysis.
$249.00Go To Product
Human Coronary Artery Endothelial Cells (HCAEC)
Primary Human Endothelial Cells isolated from the human coronary arteries from single donors.
$1,087.00Go To Product
Human Coronary Artery Endothelial Cells (HCAEC), Cell Pellet in RNAlater
Cell pellet of HCAEC from human coronary arteries of single donors in RNAlater® for subsequent RNA, DNA or protein analysis.
$249.00Go To Product
Human Dermal Blood Endothelial Cells (HDBEC)
Primary Human Dermal Blood Endothelial Cells isolated from different sources (e.g. juvenile foreskin). CD31 positive, Podoplanin negative.
$887.00Go To Product
Human Dermal Blood Endothelial Cells (HDBEC) adult donor