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Mesenchymal Stem Cell Growth Medium 2
Low-serum cell growth medium for mesenchymal stems cells.
We offer a complete Mesenchymal Stem Cell Media System including growth media, differentiation media and human mesenchymal stem cells (MSC).
Our MSC Growth Media are designed to robustly support the standardized expansion of multipotent Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells. Rigorous quality control tests ensure reliable and consistent product quality.
View a list of references where this medium was used with other species and cell types.
The population doubling times for PromoCell hMSC (hMSC-BM; hMSC-AT; hMSC-UC) are typically ≤ 30 hrs when using Mesenchymal Stem Cell Growth Medium 2 (C-28009). If you seed the hMSC at 4.000 cells/cm2; it will take between 4-7 days until they reach subconfluency.
These cells are frozen at the end of 2nd culture. Thawing and seeding results in passage 2 (3rd culture). We recommend that they be used for differentiation experiments not later than passage 5. The differentiation potential of hMSC in vitro is reduced with ongoing population doublings; meaning the earlier differentiation is induced; the higher the differentiation rates.
After addition of the SupplementMix or SupplementPack to our basal medium do I have to add FCS you obtain the complete growth medium. No further supplementation with serum or growth factors is required. Please note: Our media do not contain antibiotics. If you wish to use antibiotics you can add penicillin/streptomycin or gentamicin/amphotericin B at standard concentrations. Addition of antibiotics can however reduce the doubling time of the cells up to 30-40%.
The qualitative and quantitative composition of the supplements can be found on our website and in the data sheets of the specialized media. When there is no such information specified; the composition of the supplements is confidential.

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