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Human Uterine Smooth Muscle Cells (HUtSMC), Cell Pellet in RNAlater
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Cell pellet of HUtSMC from the myometrium in RNAlater® for subsequent RNA, DNA or protein analysis.

Unit 1,000,000 cells
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Cell pellet consisting of 1 million cells dissolved in 200 µl RNAlater® for subsequent RNA, DNA or protein analysis.

Note: Cell pellets cannot be revived.

Our primary Human Uterine Smooth Muscle Cells (HUtSMC), isolated from the myometrium, display positive staining for smooth muscle α-actin.

During pregnancy, hormonal influences prompt significant hypertrophy in these cells, offering a unique opportunity for in vitro study. Understanding these changes is crucial for exploring pregnancy-related conditions, making HUtSMC an essential tool for research in this field.


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