There is no significant difference in the percentage of cells that will differentiate into Dendritic Cells. But when using cryopreserved cells the initial cell loss will be higher compared to when fresh cells are used. i.e. the final number of differentiated cells that can be expected will be higher with fresh cells as a starting material due to lower cell death rate.
The PromoCell DC Generation Media have been developed for the easy and efficient generation of immature as well as fully mature myeloid dendritic cells from peripheral blood monocytes.
For freshly isolated mononuclear cells (MNC) and monocytes we recommend our DC Generation Medium XF (C-28052); for cryopreserved monocytes our DC Generation Medium (C-28050). When using DC Generation Medium (C-28050) with fresh MNC; the Monocyte Attachment Medium (C-28051) is needed in a first step for efficient adherence of the monocyte fraction.
Please see Instruction Manual; Application Note and the graph below for further details.
Note: The sale of Cryo-SFM was discontinued at the end of 2024. Cryo-SFM was replaced by Cryo-SFM Plus.
In principle; both types of liquid nitrogen storage are acceptable; each having its advantages and disadvantages.
Liquid phase storage provides a consistent temperature of -196°C; a longer holding time and a greater vial capacity but involves the risk of contamination issues.
Storage in the gas phase is very safe with respect to contaminations but the holding time of the cells is shorter and the vial capacity is reduced.
hMDM-GMCSF is the abbreviation for human monocyte-derived macrophages. They are polarized [⇒ differentiated with GM-CSF] but non-activated [⇒ (-)] M1 macrophages.
hMDM-MCSF is the abbreviation for human monocyte-derived polarized [⇒ differentiated with M-CSF] but non-activated [⇒ (-)] M2 macrophages.
The macrophages can be seeded into all kinds of TC vessels. After plating; they can be maintained as biologically functional adherent cultures for several weeks.Optionally; user-customizable activation of the cells can be performed. For details; please see attached Application Note; page 2; Fig. 3 and page 5; Tab. 1).
We did not plate the cryo-macrophages in 96-well plates. However we heard from other customers that they have successfully used our macrophages in this kind of plate.
In general; we recommend activating the cells for 24 hours or at least over night for all kind of activations. If the activation is not optimal in your experimental setting; you can increase or decrease the activation time accordingly.
No; our Freezing Medium Cryo-SFM (C-29910) is not produced under GMP standard. It is for in vitro research use only and not appoved for diagnostic or therapeutic procedures.
According to the product manual Cryo-SFM should be stored at 4-8°C. However since this solution is used to freeze cells in liquid nitrogen we assume that storing Cryo-SFM once at -20°C should not have a negative impact on the product quality. After thawing please store it at 4-8°C as recommended.