Our HUVEC single donor (C-12200) are isolated from a single umbilical cord; propagated in primary culture; and frozen down at subconfluency.
For the preparation of HUVEC-pooled (C12203); we simultaneously isolate the cells from 2-4 umbilical cords and grow them in separate tissue culture dishes. The cells are pooled after trypsinization given that their growth rates are comparable.
After thawing; our HUVECs (single donor and pooled) are both in P1. The recommended media are Endothelial Cell Growth Medium (C-22010) or Endothelial Cell Growth Medium 2 (C-22011). With respect to cell growth; HUVEC-pooled tend to have a more heterogeneous morphology with slightly more elongated cells but the doubling times are comparabel for both types (typically 18-36 hrs per doubling).
A subconfluent T25-flask typically contains between 0.9 and 1.2 million cells corresponding to 36;000-48;000 cells per cm2. It is recommended to count the existing cell number after trypsinization and to calculate the needed number of new flasks.
Recommended seeding density for HUVEC is 5;000-10;000 cells/cm2. This usually corresponds to a split ratio of 1:4-1:6. 1:6 means that you can increase the culture surface by factor 6 (e.g. from 1x T25 to 6x T25 or 2x T75).
It actually depends on the culture conditions whether the cells remain in suspension or attach to the surface.
When grown in our serum-free; xeno-free HPC Expansion Medium XF (C-28021); the cells remain in suspension.
During the isolation of our Human Mononuclear Cells (hMNC) we first of all pay attention to thoroughly discard the platelet-containing fraction before we aspirate the MNC containing-interphase of the Ficoll gradient. The harvested MNC fraction is then subjected to several washing steps to remove potential remaining platelets. Finally the cell preparations are verified by microscopy to be largely free of platelet contamination.
Our hMSC-AT are characterized by their differentiation potential into chondrocytes; fat cells; and bone cells. In addition; we determine the presence of CD73; CD90 and CD105 expression as well as the absence of CD14; CD19; CD34; CD45 & HLA-DR expression by flow cytometry as proposed by the International Society for Cellular Therapy.
Mononuclear cells are mostly used in immunology; infection biology; hematology and cancer research to study subpopulations of blood cells.
Our Mononuclear Cell Medium (C-28030) is intended for short-term maintenance (up to 48 hrs) of the thawed hMNC before you proceed with your experiments. The number of PDs will depend on the subsequent cell culture conditions and is not determined by PromoCell.
Please note: Depending on the conditions; the ratio of the subpopulations will gradually change; as the different blood cell types behave in different manners. Researchers normally start soon after thawing to either select the cell type of their interest (e.g. hematopoietic cells; endothelial progenitor cells) or perform experiments with all populations of hMNCs (e.g. to study effects on toxicity; viability or metabolism).
All HDMEC pre-screened lots that we currently have in stock are isolated from foreskin.
If you need pre-screened HDMEC from adult donors; please contact the PromoCell Technical Customer Service.
Our juvenile HDMEC (C-12210) are isolated from foreskin of young male donors (1-10 years). In contrast; adult HDMEC (C-12212) are derived from different skin localisations like the cheek; temple; or breast. The donors are > 20 years old and are mostly female.
Adult HDMEC are the cells of choice when you need cells from a particular part of the body (other than foreskin); or if it is important for your study to use cells from female and/or adult donors.
HDLEC and HDBEC both express the typical endothelial cell marker CD31 (= PECAM-1).
HDLEC cultures are additionally tested positive for podoplanin; a transmembrane glycoprotein involved in lymphatic vessel formation; whereas HDBECs are podoplanin-negative.