Application Notes

Items 25-36 of 39 Results

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  • Osteoblast differentiation and mineralization

    Osteoblast differentiation and mineralization

    Osteoblasts are specialized fibroblasts that secrete and mineralize the bone matrix. Their differentiation in vitro and in vivo can be characterized in three stages. We describe analysis of different molecular markers of those processes.
  • Tumorsphere culture of cancer stem cells

    Tumorsphere culture of cancer stem cells

    Find out how to cultivate cancer stem cells in tumorspheres using our defined and xeno-free 3D Tumorsphere Medium. This enables you to characterize such cells and study their malignancy.
  • Endothelial cell transmigration and invasion assay

    Endothelial cell transmigration and invasion assay

    Angiogenesis, the development of blood vessels from existing ones, is an essential process. Common in vitro models are the transwell migration assay and the cell invasion assay.
  • Mammosphere culture of human breast cancer cells

    Mammosphere culture of human breast cancer cells

    PromoCell 3D Tumorsphere Medium XF allows robust 3D culture even when using breast-cancer cell lines. Mammospheres are now regarded as highly valuable in vitro models for studies on tumor formation and metastasis.
  • Neurosphere culture of brain tumor stem cells

    Neurosphere culture of brain tumor stem cells

    Using 3D cultures of brain cancer cells as neurospheres in serum-free conditions maintains the properties of primary tumors. In vitro models with the 3D Tumorsphere Medium XF are an essential prerequisite for research aimed at identifying ways to eradicate brain tumor cancer stem cells.
  • Generation of monocyte-derived Dendritic Cells (moDCs)

    Generation of monocyte-derived Dendritic Cells (moDCs)

    We offer a step-by-step protocol for the in vitro maturation of human monocytes into immature monocyte-derived dendritic cells (moDCs), as well as into fully mature moDCs, using PromoCell media.
  • Endothelial cell tube formation assay (in vitro angiogenesis assay)

    Endothelial cell tube formation assay (in vitro angiogenesis assay)

    Different processes lead to formation of new blood vessels in the human body. The in vitro tube formation assay allows researchers to study such mechanisms in cell culture.
  • Epi-Fluorescence mitochondrial imaging in live single cells and tumorspheres

    Epi-Fluorescence mitochondrial imaging in live single cells and tumorspheres

    Mitochondria are the organelles that fuel life, which makes them extremely important for research. We offer a special dye for live-cell and fixed-cell imaging. Use this dye to boost your mitochondria research. Find out how.
  • Standardized culture of cancer cell lines under serumand xeno-free conditions

    Standardized culture of cancer cell lines under serumand xeno-free conditions

    Undefined media supplements have unwanted effects on cell cultures. Learn how to obtain more accurate and comparable results with PromoCell’s Cancer Cell Line Medium XF.
  • Holotomography-monitored phagocytosis assay of M1 macrophages

    Holotomography-monitored phagocytosis assay of M1 macrophages

    Phagocytosis is an essential process for pathogen clearance and is the subject of research for many immunologists. Find out more about PromoCell's phagocytosis assay for fluorescence microscopy and how you can implement this method in your lab.
  • Unselective cell isolation from solid human tumor and xenograft biopsies

    Unselective cell isolation from solid human tumor and xenograft biopsies

    Do your primary cells from solid human tumors and xenografts need broad growth support? Then find out how to employ the serum-free, non-selective Cancer Cell Line Medium XF.
  • Cancer stem cell selection from cancer cultures

    Cancer stem cell selection from cancer cultures

    Traditional culture systems for cancer cells all share a lack of specific growth support for malignant cells. PromoCell's Primary Cancer Culture System is a reliable tool for depleting stromal cells, fibroblasts, and all other types of non-cancerous cells.
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