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Human Renal Epithelial Cells (HREpC)
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Primary Human Renal Epithelial Cells isolated from the adult kidney.

Unit 500,000 cells
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Primary Human Renal Epithelial Cells (HREpC) are isolated from the adult kidney and stain positive for cytokeratin.

Kidneys have a very complex structure and contain diverse epithelia such as those in the convoluted tubules, the cortical collecting ducts, the calyxes, and the renal pelvis. The epithelial cells present in the distinct ducts and tubules differ in their morphology and physio-logical function. Consequently, HREpC are comprised of a heterogeneous population of epithelial cells. Important physiological processes like osmoregulation and excretion can be studied with HREpC in vitro.

Recommended plating density 10000 - 15000 cells per cm2
Passage after thawing P2
Tested markers Cytokeratin positive
Guaranteed population doubling > 15
Figure 1.Human Renal Epithelial Cell culture in phase contrast.

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